Originario del Nepal, un pais en donde los juegos forman parte de la cultura y de las actividades cotidianas, el bagh chal es el verdadero juego nacional (“ideal para jugar cuando el sol de las mañanas de verano es demasiado fuerte”, dicen las reglas).Es uno de los mejores “juegos de caza”, presentes en muchas culturas del mundo: en todos ellos, los jugadores luchan con fuerzas desiguales y con objetivos diferentes.
Al Bangh Chal (“el tigre se mueve”, en nepalí), un jugador juega con cuatro tigres y el otro con veinte cabras
Originally from Nepal, a country where the games are part of the culture and daily activities, the shawl bagh is the true national game ("ideal to play when the sun of a summer morning is too strong," say the rules .) is one of the best "hunting games", present in many cultures around the world: all the players struggle with unequal forces and for different purposes.
At Banghó Chal ("the tiger moves" in Nepali), one player plays four tigers and the other with twenty goats
Originally from Nepal, a country where the games are part of the culture and daily activities, the shawl bagh is the true national game ("ideal to play when the sun of a summer morning is too strong," say the rules .) is one of the best "hunting games", present in many cultures around the world: all the players struggle with unequal forces and for different purposes.
At Banghó Chal ("the tiger moves" in Nepali), one player plays four tigers and the other with twenty goats